I love lists..
Things I really like:
1. Himalayas
2. Travel, from spontaneous road-trips, longer vacations and everything in between
3. Good spelling
4. Making out
5. Spicy food - Thai and Indian are favorites
6. Music. I have an eclectic variety filling my iPod
7. My career
8. My friends and family
9. Dogs and Birds
10. Books and lists :)
Things I really dislike:
1. George W. Bush
2. Motor-mouth girls
3. Irresponsibility
4. Traffic
5. Mowing the Lawns
6. Self-centerdness
7. Center seats on airplanes
8. Facial tattoos and piercings
9. Boring sex. If it isn't great, why bother?
10. Hobbits
re:3: :D and u love it if make on pur pouse
re:4: whats "making out" its from make out?
re:9: oooooooooooo
By anonimply, At 8:48 AM
re:2: & "motor-mouth girls" u mean mouth full of flies? @)
By anonimply, At 8:55 AM
Please tell me that you pronounce your favorite mountain range
Him MALL yahs and not Him ah LAY az!
Great lists.
#10 Hobbits? Are you just over LOTR'd?
By Romeo Morningwood, At 6:28 AM
lol escapeon, I was never fond of assorted americanism, they are still himmaalyaas to me!
hate LOTR too lol
By Stud, At 1:48 PM
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