Friday, June 16, 2006

ending every beginning..

A sudden appearance of a friend from past made me do a lot of internal editing before I let anything fly out of my mouth lol, she isn’t the best at handling emotional activities. Ever seen a more calm meditative mediating Buddhist-type woman turn into an angry emotional fearless marching Crusader type leader? The sight isn’t very pretty. And before all the many intelligent women out there attack me, that is not a women can’t think comment, it’s just alluding to the place that irrational and self damaging behaviors typically come from. Women tend to be able to control mental activity better, but are worse at controlling emotional activity. It’s sad how most women need constant attention and re-affirming.

I read a great little blurb days ago trashing my self-respect and insulting me publicly in the most horrible, wicked way possible. Such ugliness from such proclaimed beauty blotted my whole fantasy world. Not that I don’t divest myself of expectations and often make sure the people I’m doing something with can dish out as well as take it. It isn’t funny when it happens to them then we’ve got a sadist instead of a prankster. So, by the end of this thought process, my advice to you all is to never preconceive what the reaction to an event will be like, you are sure to be disappointed.

When you are doing what you really want to do, maybe for the first time, allow people the reality of their own emotions and the sincerity of their own responses. Don’t be shocked or bummed out if you are ignored or slugged in the mouth. Don’t try to get everything perfect. Sometimes it’s important to know when good enough is good enough and leave it at that.

Simplify your life. There are times when you just have to say no. Put your foot down and get rid of those things that swallow up your self-respect. Put away ‘like you-love you, insult you and love you even more’ people around you.

"Learn how to end it,". "Some can actually create chaos in our lives, but you can actually achieve more in ending it than you can in all of your frenzy."


  • this advice coming from someone who used the ugliest abuse words on girls in IT chat? LOL Stud u need to wake up! Don't be such a hypocrite nah.


    By Blogger Keshi, At 9:47 PM  

  • btw dont whine on WHAT I wrote abt u in my blog. Seems like u have forgotten WHY I wrote it :) U started with the mean remarks abt me, remember Stud? So dont paint such an innocent-flower picture of urself. Get real mate.

    Im sorry I even made an attempt to see if ur a person who can move on. Looks like ur just a self-praising hypocrite who cant get over urself. Forget it. I will keep out as u requested. Yes its THE END. Dont bother writing a huge self-pleasing post on this cos I will never step in ur home again. TC.


    By Blogger Keshi, At 9:53 PM  

  • you are unimaginably disturbed.

    By Blogger Stud, At 8:53 AM  

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